RTT Rapid Transformational TherapyRapid
Transformational Therapy

Experience breakthroughs that lead to challenge your thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in careers, relationships and quality of life.


I professionally train you to maximize your full potential and reach your desired results.

RTT Rapid Transformational TherapyRapid
Transformational Therapy

Experience breakthroughs that lead to challenge your thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in careers, relationships and quality of life.


I professionally train you to maximize your full potential and reach your desired results.

What is RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a hybrid form of therapy It combines Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Psychotherapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapie (CBT).

Fast and Permanent?

RTT is designed to deliver rapid, permanent results in as few as one to three sessions. It can be a life-changing experience for those who are looking for an alternative to the more traditional therapies.

How RTT works?

Working with a trained Rapid Transformational Therapy® therapist will help you to better understand and interpret events, how they have or are affecting you, and how you can change your reaction to these in the future.

Consultancy & advicing

Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part friend, coaches work people helping them define and achieve their goals.

Problem solving

The trained life coach knows how to help you set the right goals, make more money, and structure your personal and professional life to achieve greater productivity with less effort.

Conferencing & talks

Coaching typically works best with a weekly call so clients have time to integrate ways of thinking, take action each week toward their goals.

You will work with me to uncover the meaning and interpretation of events in your life and then change them.I tried Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®)
I ended up changing my direction in life and practicing this therapy, after I was the client of such a therapist. I had chronic anxiety from the age of 19. Later, I started having panic attacks, which resulted in several visits to ER.

I have tried various treatments to outcome these conditions. Unfortunately, anxiety continued. Then I found this great method of therapy and I wanted to try it.

The result was amazing. It changed my life and I will change yours!
Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
You will work with me to uncover the meaning and interpretation of events in your life and then change them.I tried Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®)
I ended up changing my direction in life and practicing this therapy, after I was the client of such a therapist. I had chronic anxiety from the age of 19. Later, I started having panic attacks, which resulted in several visits to ER.

I have tried various treatments to outcome these conditions. Unfortunately, anxiety continued. Then I found this great method of therapy and I wanted to try it.

The result was amazing. It changed my life and I will change yours!
Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist


Rapid Transformational Therapy® is a multi-award-winning therapy that is working toward critical acclaim as the "go-to" therapy.
Awards of Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
Awards of Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
Awards of Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
Awards of Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
Awards of Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
Awards of Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
IACT member Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
 RTT can be used to stop Panic Attacks.
Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
Anxiety? It can be overcome with Rapid Transformational Therapy®.
Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist
Depression is a common illness that negatively affects how you feel. Try RTT Therapy to treat it.

How Effective Is Hypnosis?

According to a number of acclaimed studies and research, published by Professional Hypnotherapists of Australia Inc., hypnotherapy is notably more effective than current mainstream treatments for a variety of conditions including: Anxiety, Smoking, Weight loss, Migraines and many more...
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600 Sessions
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Behavior Therapy
22 Sessions
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6 Sessions

How Effective Is Hypnosis?

According to a number of acclaimed studies and research, published by Professional Hypnotherapists of Australia Inc., hypnotherapy is notably more effective than current mainstream treatments for a variety of conditions including: Anxiety, Smoking, Weight loss, Migraines and many more...
0123456789001234567890                     %
600 Sessions
0123456789001234567890                     %
Behavior Therapy
22 Sessions
0123456789001234567890                     %
6 Sessions

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We all know how life can be challenging and hard. And that there’s no answer always to all the issues you may face. We are here to help you.

    How does Rapid Transformational Therapy help our body or health?

    During RTT session, we uncover (limiting self beliefs) from previous life events you've experienced in the past that are now holding you back, and then change that meaning/interpretation (self beliefs) to ones that are positive and empowering.
    Often we are not even aware of how these events continue to impact us, and that is where RTT comes in.

    RTT is unique in the fact we don't have to spend lots of time talking about the problem as it gets to the root quickly.
    When reviewing previous life events, you are simply viewing them in a very relaxed state and this allows you to understand their meaning in relation to the current problem that is currently impacting you. This leads to powerful permanent change because the deep relaxation used in RTT enables the mind to tell the body what to do (such as turn fear into excitement for example), it can tell the body how to react and how to feel, and it can alter and improve the messages the body sends to the mind while simultaneously removing old neural pathways, leaving the client wired' to change and to stay changed.

    BASIC COURSEStrong start

    Envision your ideal life and set goals to create your best year yet! You’ll discard old goals...

    ADVANCED COURSEIncrease power

    Attract what ytou want in life by eliminating the energy drains and adding in new, healthy energy sources.

    ADVANCED COURSEClean up your act

    If you want to attract new things into your life, you need to free up space for them.

    BUSINESS COURSEDo work you love

    Finding work you love is satisfying; start making the necessary transitions so that you do what you love to do.

    BASIC COURSEStrong start

    Envision your ideal life and set goals to create your best year yet! You’ll discard old goals...

    ADVANCED COURSEIncrease power

    Attract what ytou want in life by eliminating the energy drains and adding in new, healthy energy sources.

    ADVANCED COURSEClean up your act

    If you want to attract new things into your life, you need to free up space for them.

    BUSINESS COURSEDo work you love

    Finding work you love is satisfying; start making the necessary transitions so that you do what you love to do.

    How does Rapid Transformational Therapy help our body or health?

    During RTT session, we uncover (limiting self beliefs) from previous life events you've experienced in the past that are now holding you back, and then change that meaning/interpretation (self beliefs) to ones that are positive and empowering. Often we are not even aware of how these events continue to impact us, and that is where RTT comes in.

    RTT is unique in the fact we don't have to spend lots of time talking about the problem as it gets to the root quickly.
    When reviewing previous life events, you are simply viewing them in a very relaxed state and this allows you to understand their meaning in relation to the current problem that is currently impacting you. This leads to powerful permanent change because the deep relaxation used in RTT enables the mind to tell the body what to do (such as turn fear into excitement for example), it can tell the body how to react and how to feel, and it can alter and improve the messages the body sends to the mind while simultaneously removing old neural pathways, leaving the client wired' to change and to stay changed

    BASIC COURSEStrong start

    Envision your ideal life and set goals to create your best year yet! You’ll discard old goals...

    ADVANCED COURSEIncrease power

    Attract what ytou want in life by eliminating the energy drains and adding in new, healthy energy sources.

    ADVANCED COURSEClean up your act

    If you want to attract new things into your life, you need to free up space for them.

    BUSINESS COURSEDo work you love

    Finding work you love is satisfying; start making the necessary transitions so that you do what you love to do.

    BASIC COURSEStrong start

    Envision your ideal life and set goals to create your best year yet! You’ll discard old goals...

    ADVANCED COURSEIncrease power

    Attract what ytou want in life by eliminating the energy drains and adding in new, healthy energy sources.

    ADVANCED COURSEClean up your act

    If you want to attract new things into your life, you need to free up space for them.

    BUSINESS COURSEDo work you love

    Finding work you love is satisfying; start making the necessary transitions so that you do what you love to do.

    As soon on

    Thinking Made Visible
    Descrierea episodului

    Episodul 56 are două părți care se completează astfel încât la finalul audiției să obții resursele de care ai nevoie nu doar pentru a identifica și înțelege anxietatea, una dintre emoțiile cele mai des întâlnite în ultimii ani pe fondul unei pandemii, dar și în ultima perioadă, în contextul unui război, ci și pentru gestionarea acesteia.

    Prima parte a acestui episod este despre povestea Anei și modul în care anxietatea i-a schimbat viața. Navigăm împreună înapoi în timp până la cei 19 ani ai săi, printre atacuri de panică, simptome digestive, întâlniri cu medici, diagnostice greșite și sentimentul că nu este înțeleasă de către cei din jur, pentru a înțelege cum se vede anxietatea unui om din exterior, dar și cum se simte din interior.

    În cea de-a doua parte, te invit să descoperi cine este Ana astăzi și cum transformă viețile clienților săi cu ajutorul Terapiei Transformaționale Rapide asumându-și rolul de „vindecător”, așa cum îmi place mie să spun.

    Ana Preoteasa Sturzu este practicant Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), o terapie care are la bază neuroștiința și care combină principiile hipnoterapiei, psihoterapiei, programării neuro-lingvistice (NLP) și ale terapiei cognitiv-comportamentale (CBT) pentru rezultate rapide, sigure și permanente.

    Ascultă episodul până la capăt ca să afli:

    05:00 Povestea Anei și relația ei cu anxietatea

    11:00 Cum o percepeau oamenii din jur

    18:20 Dimineața de acum 3 ani, în care viața nu a mai fost perfectă

    23:20 Cum se vede din exterior un om cu anxietate? 

    33:00 Cine este Ana astăzi?

    36:20 Ce este Terapia Transformațională Rapidă (Rapid Transformational Therapy – RTT)?

    44:40 Cu ce e diferită această terapie față de altele? 

    52:20 Despre hipnoză și cum e integrata în RTT

    58:10 Cum arată procesul de ghidare atunci când ajungi în cabinetul Anei

    01:04:10 Ce ar spune unei persoane curioase, dar reticente, ca să își permită să experimenteze RTT?

    01:07:40 Ce s-a schimbat în Ana de când este „vindecător”?

    Thinking Made Visible

    As soon on

    Thinking Made Visible
    Descrierea episodului

    Episodul 56 are două părți care se completează astfel încât la finalul audiției să obții resursele de care ai nevoie nu doar pentru a identifica și înțelege anxietatea, una dintre emoțiile cele mai des întâlnite în ultimii ani pe fondul unei pandemii, dar și în ultima perioadă, în contextul unui război, ci și pentru gestionarea acesteia.

    Prima parte a acestui episod este despre povestea Anei și modul în care anxietatea i-a schimbat viața. Navigăm împreună înapoi în timp până la cei 19 ani ai săi, printre atacuri de panică, simptome digestive, întâlniri cu medici, diagnostice greșite și sentimentul că nu este înțeleasă de către cei din jur, pentru a înțelege cum se vede anxietatea unui om din exterior, dar și cum se simte din interior.

    În cea de-a doua parte, te invit să descoperi cine este Ana astăzi și cum transformă viețile clienților săi cu ajutorul Terapiei Transformaționale Rapide asumându-și rolul de „vindecător”, așa cum îmi place mie să spun.

    Ana Preoteasa Sturzu este practicant Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), o terapie care are la bază neuroștiința și care combină principiile hipnoterapiei, psihoterapiei, programării neuro-lingvistice (NLP) și ale terapiei cognitiv-comportamentale (CBT) pentru rezultate rapide, sigure și permanente.

    Ascultă episodul până la capăt ca să afli:

    05:00 Povestea Anei și relația ei cu anxietatea

    11:00 Cum o percepeau oamenii din jur

    18:20 Dimineața de acum 3 ani, în care viața nu a mai fost perfectă

    23:20 Cum se vede din exterior un om cu anxietate? 

    33:00 Cine este Ana astăzi?

    36:20 Ce este Terapia Transformațională Rapidă (Rapid Transformational Therapy – RTT)?

    44:40 Cu ce e diferită această terapie față de altele? 

    52:20 Despre hipnoză și cum e integrata în RTT

    58:10 Cum arată procesul de ghidare atunci când ajungi în cabinetul Anei

    01:04:10 Ce ar spune unei persoane curioase, dar reticente, ca să își permită să experimenteze RTT?

    01:07:40 Ce s-a schimbat în Ana de când este „vindecător”?

    Thinking Made Visible

    Get started now
    and change your life

    Get the motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on track. You don’t need to struggle on your own anymore!

    Get started now and change your life

    Get the motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on track. You don’t need to struggle on your own anymore!

    Working hours

    Monday - Thursday
    15:00 - 17:00
    16:00 - 18:00
    Saturday - Sunday

    Contact details

    IACT member Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist

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    IACT member Anna's RTT Therapist - your online reliable therapist

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    Copyright by AnasTherapy.com. All rights reserved.

    Copyright by AnasTherapy.com. All rights reserved.